
Functions for excising RFI.


detrend_meanfilt(data[, flags, half_size])

Detrend array using a mean filter.

detrend_medfilt(data[, flags, half_size])

Detrend array using a median filter.

flagged_filter(data, size[, kind, flags, ...])

Perform an n-dimensional filter operation on optionally flagged data.

model_filter(x, data, *[, model, ...])

Flag data by subtracting a smooth model and iteratively removing outliers.

robust_divide(num, den)

Prevent division by zero.

visualise_model_info(info[, n])

Make a nice visualisation of the info output from xrfi_model().

xrfi_explicit([spectrum, flags, rfi_file, ...])

Excise RFI from given data using an explicitly set list of flag ranges.

xrfi_medfilt(spectrum[, threshold, flags, ...])

Generate RFI flags for a given spectrum using a median filter.

xrfi_model(spectrum, *, freq[, inplace, ...])

Flag RFI by subtracting a smooth model and iteratively removing outliers.

xrfi_model_sweep(spectrum, *[, freq, flags, ...])

Flag RFI by using a moving window and a low-order polynomial to detrend.

xrfi_watershed([spectrum, freq, flags, ...])

Apply a watershed over frequencies and times for flags.


ModelFilterInfo(n_flags_changed, ...)

A simple object representing the information returned by model_filter().


A container of ModelFilterInfo objects.

